"On the topic of Darkel, just do the obvious thing and ignore it. No matter how many snarky and intelligent insults you make, you make him a matyr (I can testify to have been on both ends of this method and it's never worked.). So if Darkel does follow up to his threat, just ignore it."
"His threats really have nothing to gain. If Sharples does not want his real threads locked, then he should not troll around the rest of the Sporum, maybe then SMSlime could take him seriously. Slime wants to let him know neither is wanted (Sharples & Dark) around here and they should make no attempt to show their faces anymore unless they are ready to create meaningful discussion without creating spam every other post."
You cannot ignore what is yet to come. I have gathered allies while I have been gone. Don't believe me? Let me make a list of the members of the AntiSporum:
1. Me
2. Sharples
3. Whoster
4. Taupo
5. Rainey
6. MrPropaganda
7. Paxxon
8. 5poreMasterPwn
9. TheFriend
10. Spode-an
There is an eleventh member, but she has asked that I keep her identity a secret for the time being. To the Sporum: you will be plunged in a day of complete waste and horror. Your eyes will all cry from the horrific, nude, gore-filled images we shall post. Your ears will bleed from our sound file sigs and our flash files. You will have seizures from our flashy images. Your browsers will crash from them. You will get viruses. Your posts will be hijacked and you will have no escape.
You WILL agree to my terms. Slime can't keep banning me forever. I'll return. Because every few weeks he'll forget to come online and ban me, and there I am. Always. When are you going to give up? I've been at this for almost a year now. I hope the idiot has died in you and now you'll wisen up. You cannot ignore it. You must abide by my terms or you will regret it. We will be back. All of us.
We will not create meaningful discussion. The ECF, and it's counterpart, the ASF, will flush you away. The ECF has been the force behind the Sporum for ages, even before I became a part of the brotherhood. You owe us your cooperation.
Our greatest VICTORY is not that we're GONE, but that we were RIGHT about the Sporum.
5poreMasterDarkel above all.
"I personally look forward to seeing the moronic nonsense he comes up with next. However revealing his attack was absolutely stupid because all that needs to happen if for Slime to see it and
reban him before he can even post."
You realize that I have an unlimited amount of time to make a return? Slime is in Greece. I am in the US. There's about a twelve hour difference between the two of us. When he gets up in the morning to reban me, it will be too late. I will have used that entire night to spam.