How unfortunate. It seems that I have fallen in love with the fair Saltdfrost, to no avail.
It started when I realized she was female. She just really put herself out there, and I noticed. I thought that was something special. A female on the internet. What a rare and interesting occurrence. I was afraid Sharples would be angry with me, having fallen for one of his lovers, whom he made passionate, majestic love to. But as it turns out, Sharples had his hands full with another female, leaving Saltdfrost all for myself. He was perfectly fine with it, and in fact, encouraged me to take her. I began to express my love firstly on the ECF, when my hopes she might see there shot down by the fact that she didn't. And then Rainey told me she wouldn't see it, of course. Such wisdom, Rainey has. It's as almost as if she can see into the future. I know, because she was able to predict the size of Taupo's wang, which was astonishing.
So when this disappointment popped up, I searched for other ways to tell Frosty I love her. Then about two weeks later, it hit me. I could send it to her over comments on I did this, and she had the audacity to call me a creep in her response. She also said that she wasn't single, but I know she was lying to me. She was just playing hard to get, I suppose.
I decided to keep sending her messages, telling her about by troll army that I am currently assembling (and it is assembling quite well, I should mention) in the hopes to impress her. She said the Sporum was an insignificant part of my life. Perhaps she should notice that I have no life. I have no soul (according to KzhuRaptor). I am a soulless beast. The Sporum is very significant and if I wish to continue to "live", then I must take it over. It is the ideal prey for a troll. Perfect hunting grounds, and it will all soon be mine.
She wouldn't respond so I had a minion user named Inviso-Master post for me in the Open Thread and let him take over from there.
Anyways, I decided, perhaps she was off-put by use of the Spore Comments. I would reach her another way. So I went back to the Sporum and looked at her sig and her profile. I found her dA page. I added her to my watchlist some time ago, but the bitch had already blocked me. Which wasn't nice, because, that was before I was even doing this. I had no malicious intentions to do anything to her when I first added her. But then that changed.
I created an alt account and began adding all of her artwork and journals to my favorites (the equivalent of a Facebook "like" but for dA). I did all of this at about 3:05 AM. Just a few hours after I had finished, she blocked me again.
The little tramp. Was I not whore-ish enough for her? I have a certain aura of pimp around me, that is for sure. But did I not embolden it enough? Perhaps she's not interested in love. Perhaps all she wants is a moist, dense body. I now spit on the lowly creature that is Saltdfrost.
Frosty said that I posed little threat. She's obviously in denial. Obviously lying. For one, I have assembled (literally) the biggest group of trolls ever to strike the Sporum. I think at least. But for reference there's about 12 of us. If I really didn't pose a threat, why would Frosty have blocked me in the first place? Before I had even spammed her. Why would she do that? Out of pure spite perhaps? In that case, why would she act like she's laughing everywhere else. Me watching her shouldn't be a problem to her. I'll talk more about this in my next entry, though.
But just remember Frosty, I have your email AND your IP Address. Because you were foolish enough to stray onto sites that are under my influence.
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