I believe it's time to share my story. This is how DarkLord979 was born, how Darkel was created. How this all came to be...
Long ago, in about 2009, I bought Spore. I had never really played many video games at that point. Spore was what introduced me to everything. After playing it for a year, I got internet access and created an actual account. I found the Sporum, which was the first forum I had ever joined. In fact, one of the first websites I had ever even been on, besides Google. It introduced me to the internet.
I was not at the time familiar with emoticons, smilies, bbcode, HTML, or any sort of internet terminology. For my lack of knowledge, I was not treated as well as I would have liked. Although, like all noobs, I was over-sensitive and took things the wrong way. I got in a lot of fights, mainly with Ashkelon and StinkyPachem, and their friends. It didn't help when I [i]did[/i] try to drop the fights, but they purposely kept pushing me.
I was the owner of a lot of Spore related projects. The one I am most proud of was Ruthless Galaxy. However we have disconnected it from all things Spore. I was also the owner of The Grox Fanclub, which was a horrible flamebait filled spawn of hell. To this day I am shamed to have created such an abomination. However, it was often targeted by StinkyPachem. I'm not sure why, he just wouldn't stop posting there. Although I have a feeling it was just because he knew it would bother me. Which was pretty crappy from him. Although later on we resolved our differences.
Anyways, I was a regular Sporum poster. I had not been around to experience the so-called "Golden Age" of 2008-2009. I arrived at the end of 2010. Things were still busy, still large. People constantly complained about the inactivity then, if only they could see what the Sporum is now. Yes, I was a regular poster. I enjoyed Spore. I contributed. I was a friendly, sane person. Yet I still did get in fights, mainly with Ashkelon, because people like her targeted me just for fun. Even after I had grown a little. (A few weeks ago I found some of her old posts from the ECF, in which she discussed me. I know now that it wasn't just me being a noob. She did all of those things on purpose, and she knew what she was doing. Because she's mental.)
I had originally planned to attack the Sporum in 2012. I had gathered several other trolls. However, in the end, one of them went turncoat on us and snitched to Blackbird. Blackbird invited me into his private chatbox, where he confronted me about it and showed me the PM the traitor (who I shall remain nameless, for their own privacy, since they are still a friend) had sent him. I was clever enough to convince Blackbird that I wasn't planning anything. He believed each lie. However, I was not able to continue with my Halloween Spam Attack. Blackbird would have been prepared. So we pushed things off to Christmas. But by then the other members of our Inner Circle had vanished, and the group quickly dissipated. Eventually, Whoster and I were the only ones left. We sat in the dark for what seemed like an eternity, waiting for the opportunity.
In 2012, the Sporum went through thousands of glitches in which no one could log in. Sometimes for entire months. I got fed up. I left, to my mind, forever. I had moved to other communities. And I went through a long period of inactivity during 2013. Upon my return in early 2014, I was welcomed back happily. I'm not sure what it was... but... I, for some reason, came back to the Sporum. I think it was when I came back to check on some of Whoster's old threads, mainly the RG thread. I think, another thing that brought my attention, was when Whoster told me that Blackbird had left and now there were barely any SporeMasters left.
I decided to go ahead and spam, merely out of boredom. Even if it was just me. To my surprise, it was extremely fun. The derp crap I would post would get some very amusing responses. Many were just insults that claimed I was unintelligent, but the more clever responses really made me laugh. You just don't get the same responses from 4chan.
Soon, they had even dedicated a cult to me. My number, 979, became the accursed number of the Sporum. I used form links, which caused a person to post something by force, upon clicking a link in my sig. I also used a screamer file in my sig. Both of these still remain there.
I was quickly banned. It didn't really matter to me. But eventually I just kept getting bored and needed something to do. So I made my returns as my bans ran out. Ah, the spam attacks were glorious. The fame, the power... I loved it. They even made a hilarious Sporum Wiki page about me, though it's riddled with butthurt, which I guess is a good thing.
Soon however, I decided it was time to take things up a notch. I contacted a lot of the former Sporum trolls. I talked to people from the ECF. Eventually, I had a massive group of trolls to aid me. We called ourselves the AntiSporum. And just for reference, there's about 12 of us. Literally, I'm not even joking. I got lots of trolls from Spore.com, and I emailed lots of people. ECF was chocked full of people who wanted to get back at Slime. I decided to do this.
In time, I was able to gain the allegiances of several Sporumers themselves. They remained unbanned and continue to work on the inside. And people like Sean say I'm not a threat. Just wait until our bans expire! Just wait until Slime forgets! We all know that he can't ban me every week for the rest of his life. And I am VERY patient. I can wait. As can my partners, my friends. We keep watch. We read EVERY SINGLE post on the Sporum. Every single day, we attempt to get inside. We fail, yes. But at some point, we're bound to succeed. Just wait until Slime isn't around any more... Then, the Sporum is mine...
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