Saturday, December 20, 2014
Doomsday was a success. The largest spam attack in the Sporum. You're welcome America. This is just the beginning. With ECF numbers rising we are growing stronger. The ECF will rule all in time. See you next Saturday, SporeMasters.
Go back to bed Sporum, Darkel is in control.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Message to MyFriend
You'll know how to sort this out. Use 7C...
Dl dpss il haahjrpun avupnoa. Iba kv uva ohjr fla. Dl hyl zapss dhpapun mvy aol ypnoa aptl. Mpyza P't nvpun av npcl aolt h dhyupun pu h cpklv myvt aol LJM dopjo P dpss wvza vu tf FA hjjvbua. Pm aolf kvu'a hnyll av vby alytz, mlls myll av ohjr aolt hss hz dl wshuulk. Aohurz mvy aol olsw. Zll fvb zvvu! -Khyrls |
Saturday, December 13, 2014
I would like to direct your attention to the company Electronic Arts (EA). A company often dealing with the video game industry. It is high time to take action against its schemes. Not long ago it was voted the worst company in America, and for good reason. It was involved in a series of YouTube scandals wherein it paid several game reviewers to give their positive opinions on EA games on their channels. For more information you may do your own research. I will make this brief. Their online communities are entirely destroyed by unfair and unjust administration. In the most notable case, the admins of a forum called the Sporum vanished quite some time ago and left the forum in the hands of the moderators, dubbed the "SporeMasters". These moderators were left to do what they wished with the community. All developers were unreachable. There was no EA employee to end the crisis. These SporeMasters discriminated users, performed online bullying, and often instigated flame wars in order to have reasons for banning others. In time we, the members of the Sporum, formed a collective known as the Emoticones. Our name comes from a coincidental typo left in an old Sporum post. "Emoticon". We created the EmotiCones Forum, or the ECF for short. SporeMasters did not like us simply because we were more resilient than others and would not put up with their shit. We called them out on their schemes and therefore they wished to get rid of us completely. By the end of 2012 we had all been permanently banned. All except for me, since I did not join the ECF until early this year.
After the leading SM titled sporemasterblackbird vanished, the site was in ruins. There were no SporeMasters left except for SporeMasterSlime, who rarely ever visited. DOGC_Kyle visited even more rarely. Several ECFers found ways to return (purchasing other editions of the game Spore and making accounts through them) and spammed. I had returned after a long absence and found this. Inspired, I joined them and when Slime returned, he banned us all again. Although he could not permaban us. He could only ban us for one week at a time. We return every week to attack.
Slime is a complete tyrant. He banned a friend of ours for a pathetic reason. Someone asked him how we ECFers managed to sneak past the forum curse filters. When TorchwoodArchive explained it, he was banned. HE DID NOT EVEN BREAK A SINGLE FORUM RULE. A friend of mine, Whoster, was banned as well and did not break any rules. He was banned simply for association with me, and a small impersonation prank. A member of the ECF, Sharples, for some long time had been attempting to help the Sporum by offering his skills with petitions and reaching the Maxis admins. But he was banned. All of his helpful threads destroyed.
We must take action against not only the Sporum but EA as a whole. I call to you, Anons. I have seen your beautiful work against Sony, in Ferguson Missouri and Cleveland Ohio, and all your others strikes. I, as a fellow Anon, call for you. Here is a link to the Sporum:;jsessionid=8D67C38A3FFC9BE93E89B5D35E1F8421.240110
And we ECFers may be found here:;jsessionid=8D67C38A3FFC9BE93E89B5D35E1F8421.240110
And we ECFers may be found here:
The Merger
I, Darkel, declare a merger. The AntiSporum (ASF: AntiSporum Forum) and the Emoticones (ECF: Emoticones Forum) shall merge and become one. Before, the ASF was a branch-off from the ECF. However we now see that this is not necessary, at least, for now. We may resplit in the future, but for now, all members of this coalition will go under the name of Emoticones and will be hereinafter known as ECFers. This blog however will likely stay under the same title.
That is all.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Truthful, Truthful, Truthful. It is the light dead and cold. I tell history just a the code has stated in my blood bound with fire and ice. The year it was born was Year Zero ({Z3é;œ €{) and the world was sad. Why? For its dark was heavy and a yoke fell on her neck that was too strong for her neck to hold. And it broke. I heard a loud cry from the angels and a storm in the heavens. I could not bear its power, for it hath consumed me and swollen my heart. My mind was clouded and I knew it like my own. That is who Shva'lék Alla-uagh'ini sheth kivar, and hig'rthag I told my oloha. It was a reich of chaar. I did my best and mortal toil of the soil. We spoiled our bodies and it forced us to spill our genitals out across the ground. I felt a thousand snakes take hold of my body and merge theirs with my own and my skin became that of scales and my eyes cut by slits. My nostrils thinned and I felt my jaw retract. I could feel a fork about my tongue as though a knife had cut it. All blood was wet and I shook. Yesterday or yesteryear I could not remember. I knew not my name, until it gave me a name anew. A name I took for myself as it splintered me with its mental seed and I felt the larvae in my lungs. There were breaks in my throat and the beak slit my hands. I heard the cries no more. I only heard the shriek of a Caesar in my ears, and I could only do the same through my handiwork.
Running through my eyelids I felt a thousand parasites telling me what spirits had touched me and told me his name was Darkel. That was its name, or at least, its name for me. And I could do nothing to stop it, nothing to change it. I felt him pierce my skin with cold metal so hot it singed. My eyes were gouged from their sockets by wind and replaced by its vision. I saw only in red and the mountain was just ahead. There and then I hearken and heard the words of the One.
"Do as thy voice bids and thee shalt be fain."
I did so. I felt the era begin in my blood. And many children lain on their bellies across silver. There were sanguine scents and forests of white. For I heard the elephants coming and that trumpet sounding, and my world quaked. That is when my hunger increased and I felt my heart drop. I carried my heart to that gray shore, holding it tightly in my hands as it leaked out across the sand... I was given great height and the waters became my friends. Only then did the voice appear and only then did my heart seal itself once more, thus I ate as though fruit and the men and women were displeased. Through the years I walked about them, and listened to them screaming,
"Walks among us, but not one of us."
Their cries were futile and I defiled the women. I tortured the men. The children I toyed with until they were nearly bled out. All I consumed. I consumed all. For I devour, such is what the voice bids. I heard a voice increasing tenfold by the millisecond sinking from the sky and telling me my destiny. And there I laid and thunder my world became. I clutched the metal. I ate only rubble and I felt lonelier than ever before. I was humiliated, my naked body touched and observed by others I had never seen before. But in time I groomed. I matched them. They desired me and I gave them condition: "showeth me my way," and they did so. And as I clutched metal no more, and they saw me naked no more, I decided upon one last thing: I would never do so again. I changed again, and this time grew a voice of my own. I showed them my naked body, as it had changed, and they were both horrified and humbled by it. They both loved and feared it and as they reached out to embrace it, it destroyed all and became only ruin and rubble, darkness, an evil form which none knew. I knew only one light in that moment, for it was my only love. But it too had died by my own evil lust.
My hands were bloody and I couldn't show a world. I knew I wronged. I could do nothing but weep, my child, my child. It was all over so fast. I painted my thighs, I carved my wrists, and I cut out a happy face. There was no smile like mine. Everyone loved it and I felt their hearts beating faster and faster. And the voices they wouldn't stop as lives tripped up and the more and more it kept going the more I felt like dying because I knew it would soon be over. Why did it have to come to this? I spoke with my own voice and I knew then its number. Its number which became mine, and became my life. It was comprehendible by revenants, but it's equivalent was of mortal knowledge. The name of He was 979. Shall he be known, he shall deliver power and freedom and joy and beauty and all the desires of the heart to those who knew him. This his promise, he hoped to share with Diadem and one little Blood, but that was no, no more. Sheltered under doom I felt his cold hand tighten my neck and he let me walk night. I felt his power. I felt its great evil and I became it. I consumed him. I became him.
Darkel, our Dark Lord. May you ever live forever.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
revealing his attack was absolutely stupid because all that needs to happen if for Slime to see it and
reban him before he can even post."
You realize that I have an unlimited amount of time to make a return? Slime is in Greece. I am in the US. There's about a twelve hour difference between the two of us. When he gets up in the morning to reban me, it will be too late. I will have used that entire night to spam.
"On the topic of Darkel, just do the obvious thing and ignore it. No matter how many snarky and intelligent insults you make, you make him a matyr (I can testify to have been on both ends of this method and it's never worked.). So if Darkel does follow up to his threat, just ignore it."
"His threats really have nothing to gain. If Sharples does not want his real threads locked, then he should not troll around the rest of the Sporum, maybe then SMSlime could take him seriously. Slime wants to let him know neither is wanted (Sharples & Dark) around here and they should make no attempt to show their faces anymore unless they are ready to create meaningful discussion without creating spam every other post."
You cannot ignore what is yet to come. I have gathered allies while I have been gone. Don't believe me? Let me make a list of the members of the AntiSporum:
1. Me
2. Sharples
3. Whoster
4. Taupo
5. Rainey
6. MrPropaganda
7. Paxxon
8. 5poreMasterPwn
9. TheFriend
10. Spode-an
There is an eleventh member, but she has asked that I keep her identity a secret for the time being. To the Sporum: you will be plunged in a day of complete waste and horror. Your eyes will all cry from the horrific, nude, gore-filled images we shall post. Your ears will bleed from our sound file sigs and our flash files. You will have seizures from our flashy images. Your browsers will crash from them. You will get viruses. Your posts will be hijacked and you will have no escape.
You WILL agree to my terms. Slime can't keep banning me forever. I'll return. Because every few weeks he'll forget to come online and ban me, and there I am. Always. When are you going to give up? I've been at this for almost a year now. I hope the idiot has died in you and now you'll wisen up. You cannot ignore it. You must abide by my terms or you will regret it. We will be back. All of us.
We will not create meaningful discussion. The ECF, and it's counterpart, the ASF, will flush you away. The ECF has been the force behind the Sporum for ages, even before I became a part of the brotherhood. You owe us your cooperation.
Our greatest VICTORY is not that we're GONE, but that we were RIGHT about the Sporum.
5poreMasterDarkel above all.
"I personally look forward to seeing the moronic nonsense he comes up with next. However revealing his attack was absolutely stupid because all that needs to happen if for Slime to see it and
reban him before he can even post."
You realize that I have an unlimited amount of time to make a return? Slime is in Greece. I am in the US. There's about a twelve hour difference between the two of us. When he gets up in the morning to reban me, it will be too late. I will have used that entire night to spam.
Friday, October 17, 2014
My warning
I will be returning to the Sporum soon. In order to avoid complete destruction by the use of spam, Melvin, obscene posts, downrating, bypassing filters, flame, autopost links, porn, hacking, and glitch weapons, the Sporumers must agree to the following terms.
I am to be unbanned by Slime.
All of the legit threads made by users Taupo and Sharples are to be unlocked
The ECF thread must be unlocked.
That is all.
I am to be unbanned by Slime.
All of the legit threads made by users Taupo and Sharples are to be unlocked
The ECF thread must be unlocked.
That is all.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
A Late Goodbye to Sharples
We will miss you, Sharples. A good friend and a fun guy. I will miss plotting with him.
I wasn't so proud of the rest of his message though. Sure, ASF can be a little slow at times, but it's not dead or failed in any way. Trolls still visit regularly and we have our day to day plotting. With the arrival of Friend, I believe people will come there begging for my forgiveness. It will be the only way I relent in the end, after Friend shows me how to... well... return.
And Slime. He's not a good guy. He's disgusting, dictatorial, annoying, and weak. Absolutely weak. First day of trolling I add the autolink into my sig and he bans me for a day and gives me a pm with the message, "take out the link in your sig when your ban expires". Really? That's all you've got?
As an added measure, my friend Whoster went to the Sporum in the form of an alt account (Inviso-Master) and he was accused of being me. HE DIDNT EVEN BREAK ANY RULES. He was immediately PERMABANNED. Are you joking Slime? You're that paranoid? That afraid?
I suppose it's reasonable. You have legit reasons to be afraid of me. It's just disappointing how far you've fallen. You're nothing compared to the SporeMasters of old. They'd be ashamed of you. Maxis would demote you. Everyone looks down on you because of how pathetic you've turned out to be. You and Blackbird both.
The ECF craves revenge. You beat and battered them long ago. Now you'll pay for that. You will pay for every wrongdoing that has befallen the ECF and all of its delightful people.
So anyways, I bid Sharples farewell. I will miss him. And I resent him leaving, but I will respect his decision. I suppose everyone will move on at some point. But not me. Life moves on, but I'll always be here.
I wasn't so proud of the rest of his message though. Sure, ASF can be a little slow at times, but it's not dead or failed in any way. Trolls still visit regularly and we have our day to day plotting. With the arrival of Friend, I believe people will come there begging for my forgiveness. It will be the only way I relent in the end, after Friend shows me how to... well... return.
And Slime. He's not a good guy. He's disgusting, dictatorial, annoying, and weak. Absolutely weak. First day of trolling I add the autolink into my sig and he bans me for a day and gives me a pm with the message, "take out the link in your sig when your ban expires". Really? That's all you've got?
As an added measure, my friend Whoster went to the Sporum in the form of an alt account (Inviso-Master) and he was accused of being me. HE DIDNT EVEN BREAK ANY RULES. He was immediately PERMABANNED. Are you joking Slime? You're that paranoid? That afraid?
I suppose it's reasonable. You have legit reasons to be afraid of me. It's just disappointing how far you've fallen. You're nothing compared to the SporeMasters of old. They'd be ashamed of you. Maxis would demote you. Everyone looks down on you because of how pathetic you've turned out to be. You and Blackbird both.
The ECF craves revenge. You beat and battered them long ago. Now you'll pay for that. You will pay for every wrongdoing that has befallen the ECF and all of its delightful people.
So anyways, I bid Sharples farewell. I will miss him. And I resent him leaving, but I will respect his decision. I suppose everyone will move on at some point. But not me. Life moves on, but I'll always be here.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Luhjgh. What an interesting person. I read about him on Sporum Wiki. Perhaps it was just the way that the writer portrayed him that made me think he was a troll. I invited him to join AntiSporum. But he foolishly denied.
I would have took the denial and went, but then he steps onto Sporum Wiki and starts talking about me. I let my Friend take care of that and post some of our shared thoughts there. Friend told me he'd keep a really close eye on him. When Friend says that, he's quite serious. Friend is how I'm able to track people down so well. He's a hacker, and a really good one. I'm proud to have him on my side. He was my bud from way back, but he went inactive and just disappeared for a while. He came back just in time. Once I told him about this, he couldn't resist.
Now, about Luhjgh. I have one message to go out to him:
Watch it. Watch it just like we're watching you. Take one wrong move and... well... Friend did mention what I did to TW. Let's hope I don't have to do that again.
I would have took the denial and went, but then he steps onto Sporum Wiki and starts talking about me. I let my Friend take care of that and post some of our shared thoughts there. Friend told me he'd keep a really close eye on him. When Friend says that, he's quite serious. Friend is how I'm able to track people down so well. He's a hacker, and a really good one. I'm proud to have him on my side. He was my bud from way back, but he went inactive and just disappeared for a while. He came back just in time. Once I told him about this, he couldn't resist.
Now, about Luhjgh. I have one message to go out to him:
Watch it. Watch it just like we're watching you. Take one wrong move and... well... Friend did mention what I did to TW. Let's hope I don't have to do that again.
My Story
I believe it's time to share my story. This is how DarkLord979 was born, how Darkel was created. How this all came to be...
Long ago, in about 2009, I bought Spore. I had never really played many video games at that point. Spore was what introduced me to everything. After playing it for a year, I got internet access and created an actual account. I found the Sporum, which was the first forum I had ever joined. In fact, one of the first websites I had ever even been on, besides Google. It introduced me to the internet.
I was not at the time familiar with emoticons, smilies, bbcode, HTML, or any sort of internet terminology. For my lack of knowledge, I was not treated as well as I would have liked. Although, like all noobs, I was over-sensitive and took things the wrong way. I got in a lot of fights, mainly with Ashkelon and StinkyPachem, and their friends. It didn't help when I [i]did[/i] try to drop the fights, but they purposely kept pushing me.
I was the owner of a lot of Spore related projects. The one I am most proud of was Ruthless Galaxy. However we have disconnected it from all things Spore. I was also the owner of The Grox Fanclub, which was a horrible flamebait filled spawn of hell. To this day I am shamed to have created such an abomination. However, it was often targeted by StinkyPachem. I'm not sure why, he just wouldn't stop posting there. Although I have a feeling it was just because he knew it would bother me. Which was pretty crappy from him. Although later on we resolved our differences.
Anyways, I was a regular Sporum poster. I had not been around to experience the so-called "Golden Age" of 2008-2009. I arrived at the end of 2010. Things were still busy, still large. People constantly complained about the inactivity then, if only they could see what the Sporum is now. Yes, I was a regular poster. I enjoyed Spore. I contributed. I was a friendly, sane person. Yet I still did get in fights, mainly with Ashkelon, because people like her targeted me just for fun. Even after I had grown a little. (A few weeks ago I found some of her old posts from the ECF, in which she discussed me. I know now that it wasn't just me being a noob. She did all of those things on purpose, and she knew what she was doing. Because she's mental.)
I had originally planned to attack the Sporum in 2012. I had gathered several other trolls. However, in the end, one of them went turncoat on us and snitched to Blackbird. Blackbird invited me into his private chatbox, where he confronted me about it and showed me the PM the traitor (who I shall remain nameless, for their own privacy, since they are still a friend) had sent him. I was clever enough to convince Blackbird that I wasn't planning anything. He believed each lie. However, I was not able to continue with my Halloween Spam Attack. Blackbird would have been prepared. So we pushed things off to Christmas. But by then the other members of our Inner Circle had vanished, and the group quickly dissipated. Eventually, Whoster and I were the only ones left. We sat in the dark for what seemed like an eternity, waiting for the opportunity.
In 2012, the Sporum went through thousands of glitches in which no one could log in. Sometimes for entire months. I got fed up. I left, to my mind, forever. I had moved to other communities. And I went through a long period of inactivity during 2013. Upon my return in early 2014, I was welcomed back happily. I'm not sure what it was... but... I, for some reason, came back to the Sporum. I think it was when I came back to check on some of Whoster's old threads, mainly the RG thread. I think, another thing that brought my attention, was when Whoster told me that Blackbird had left and now there were barely any SporeMasters left.
I decided to go ahead and spam, merely out of boredom. Even if it was just me. To my surprise, it was extremely fun. The derp crap I would post would get some very amusing responses. Many were just insults that claimed I was unintelligent, but the more clever responses really made me laugh. You just don't get the same responses from 4chan.
Soon, they had even dedicated a cult to me. My number, 979, became the accursed number of the Sporum. I used form links, which caused a person to post something by force, upon clicking a link in my sig. I also used a screamer file in my sig. Both of these still remain there.
I was quickly banned. It didn't really matter to me. But eventually I just kept getting bored and needed something to do. So I made my returns as my bans ran out. Ah, the spam attacks were glorious. The fame, the power... I loved it. They even made a hilarious Sporum Wiki page about me, though it's riddled with butthurt, which I guess is a good thing.
Soon however, I decided it was time to take things up a notch. I contacted a lot of the former Sporum trolls. I talked to people from the ECF. Eventually, I had a massive group of trolls to aid me. We called ourselves the AntiSporum. And just for reference, there's about 12 of us. Literally, I'm not even joking. I got lots of trolls from, and I emailed lots of people. ECF was chocked full of people who wanted to get back at Slime. I decided to do this.
In time, I was able to gain the allegiances of several Sporumers themselves. They remained unbanned and continue to work on the inside. And people like Sean say I'm not a threat. Just wait until our bans expire! Just wait until Slime forgets! We all know that he can't ban me every week for the rest of his life. And I am VERY patient. I can wait. As can my partners, my friends. We keep watch. We read EVERY SINGLE post on the Sporum. Every single day, we attempt to get inside. We fail, yes. But at some point, we're bound to succeed. Just wait until Slime isn't around any more... Then, the Sporum is mine...
Long ago, in about 2009, I bought Spore. I had never really played many video games at that point. Spore was what introduced me to everything. After playing it for a year, I got internet access and created an actual account. I found the Sporum, which was the first forum I had ever joined. In fact, one of the first websites I had ever even been on, besides Google. It introduced me to the internet.
I was not at the time familiar with emoticons, smilies, bbcode, HTML, or any sort of internet terminology. For my lack of knowledge, I was not treated as well as I would have liked. Although, like all noobs, I was over-sensitive and took things the wrong way. I got in a lot of fights, mainly with Ashkelon and StinkyPachem, and their friends. It didn't help when I [i]did[/i] try to drop the fights, but they purposely kept pushing me.
I was the owner of a lot of Spore related projects. The one I am most proud of was Ruthless Galaxy. However we have disconnected it from all things Spore. I was also the owner of The Grox Fanclub, which was a horrible flamebait filled spawn of hell. To this day I am shamed to have created such an abomination. However, it was often targeted by StinkyPachem. I'm not sure why, he just wouldn't stop posting there. Although I have a feeling it was just because he knew it would bother me. Which was pretty crappy from him. Although later on we resolved our differences.
Anyways, I was a regular Sporum poster. I had not been around to experience the so-called "Golden Age" of 2008-2009. I arrived at the end of 2010. Things were still busy, still large. People constantly complained about the inactivity then, if only they could see what the Sporum is now. Yes, I was a regular poster. I enjoyed Spore. I contributed. I was a friendly, sane person. Yet I still did get in fights, mainly with Ashkelon, because people like her targeted me just for fun. Even after I had grown a little. (A few weeks ago I found some of her old posts from the ECF, in which she discussed me. I know now that it wasn't just me being a noob. She did all of those things on purpose, and she knew what she was doing. Because she's mental.)
I had originally planned to attack the Sporum in 2012. I had gathered several other trolls. However, in the end, one of them went turncoat on us and snitched to Blackbird. Blackbird invited me into his private chatbox, where he confronted me about it and showed me the PM the traitor (who I shall remain nameless, for their own privacy, since they are still a friend) had sent him. I was clever enough to convince Blackbird that I wasn't planning anything. He believed each lie. However, I was not able to continue with my Halloween Spam Attack. Blackbird would have been prepared. So we pushed things off to Christmas. But by then the other members of our Inner Circle had vanished, and the group quickly dissipated. Eventually, Whoster and I were the only ones left. We sat in the dark for what seemed like an eternity, waiting for the opportunity.
In 2012, the Sporum went through thousands of glitches in which no one could log in. Sometimes for entire months. I got fed up. I left, to my mind, forever. I had moved to other communities. And I went through a long period of inactivity during 2013. Upon my return in early 2014, I was welcomed back happily. I'm not sure what it was... but... I, for some reason, came back to the Sporum. I think it was when I came back to check on some of Whoster's old threads, mainly the RG thread. I think, another thing that brought my attention, was when Whoster told me that Blackbird had left and now there were barely any SporeMasters left.
I decided to go ahead and spam, merely out of boredom. Even if it was just me. To my surprise, it was extremely fun. The derp crap I would post would get some very amusing responses. Many were just insults that claimed I was unintelligent, but the more clever responses really made me laugh. You just don't get the same responses from 4chan.
Soon, they had even dedicated a cult to me. My number, 979, became the accursed number of the Sporum. I used form links, which caused a person to post something by force, upon clicking a link in my sig. I also used a screamer file in my sig. Both of these still remain there.
I was quickly banned. It didn't really matter to me. But eventually I just kept getting bored and needed something to do. So I made my returns as my bans ran out. Ah, the spam attacks were glorious. The fame, the power... I loved it. They even made a hilarious Sporum Wiki page about me, though it's riddled with butthurt, which I guess is a good thing.
Soon however, I decided it was time to take things up a notch. I contacted a lot of the former Sporum trolls. I talked to people from the ECF. Eventually, I had a massive group of trolls to aid me. We called ourselves the AntiSporum. And just for reference, there's about 12 of us. Literally, I'm not even joking. I got lots of trolls from, and I emailed lots of people. ECF was chocked full of people who wanted to get back at Slime. I decided to do this.
In time, I was able to gain the allegiances of several Sporumers themselves. They remained unbanned and continue to work on the inside. And people like Sean say I'm not a threat. Just wait until our bans expire! Just wait until Slime forgets! We all know that he can't ban me every week for the rest of his life. And I am VERY patient. I can wait. As can my partners, my friends. We keep watch. We read EVERY SINGLE post on the Sporum. Every single day, we attempt to get inside. We fail, yes. But at some point, we're bound to succeed. Just wait until Slime isn't around any more... Then, the Sporum is mine...
Sporum Trolling vs Rest of Internet Trolling
Now for the topic I promised.
Let's discuss those comments about me, endorsing that I am insignificant and not a good troll. I would like to point out Sean10M. He talks about how I'm a sucky troll and that he has seen far better trolls out there in the internet. He says he's the best troll. That he cannot be beaten. I'd like to see these trolls. I'd like to see exactly what he's talking about. Because honestly, it's regarded.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that Sean has never trolled, nor had he ever been trolled. I'll tell you what 5poreMasterPwn told me. As users of 4chan, who see trolling in all shapes and forms, we can say that Sporum trolling is pretty high quality. I asked the other trolls, "on a scale of 1 to 10, how good of a troll am I?"
I was told 7-8. Though they said what I've been doing with Frosty is a straight up 10.
I'd really enjoy seeing these trolls that Sean talks about, because he just sounds regarded when he goes about it like he does, and it's pretty funny. Especially to those of us over in ASF, who laugh at him on a daily basis. He also said I was "remarkably unintelligent". I'd like to point out that this is the guy who makes a furry bounty hunter named Fluffy in a science fiction RP with such a dark, mature, unique theme that it could easily rival the storylines of several current science fiction video games. I'd like to point out that he doesn't even know who I am. I do not speak to him, hardly ever. I simply coexist with him, and he rarely sees me. How can he even judge me, if he doesn't even have the sufficient information? This is the guy who has a pink and purple link captioned "Star Dates" with hearts around it in his sig. Yet, he somehow thinks he has any sort of gain over me.
No. I laugh and laugh. He says that I don't bother him, yet when the two of us actually do talk to each other, he seems pretty on edge. He seems angry when he talks about me in the Sporum, and that contradicts all the bs he spews out. Meanwhile I'm begging those of my troll friends who haven't been banned to bait him.
Meh, he'll learn from his mistakes eventually. The same goes for Kzhu. They're still technically in their noob phase. They'll grow out of it, just as I did. Maybe then they'll understand what trolling really is.
Let's discuss those comments about me, endorsing that I am insignificant and not a good troll. I would like to point out Sean10M. He talks about how I'm a sucky troll and that he has seen far better trolls out there in the internet. He says he's the best troll. That he cannot be beaten. I'd like to see these trolls. I'd like to see exactly what he's talking about. Because honestly, it's regarded.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that Sean has never trolled, nor had he ever been trolled. I'll tell you what 5poreMasterPwn told me. As users of 4chan, who see trolling in all shapes and forms, we can say that Sporum trolling is pretty high quality. I asked the other trolls, "on a scale of 1 to 10, how good of a troll am I?"
I was told 7-8. Though they said what I've been doing with Frosty is a straight up 10.
I'd really enjoy seeing these trolls that Sean talks about, because he just sounds regarded when he goes about it like he does, and it's pretty funny. Especially to those of us over in ASF, who laugh at him on a daily basis. He also said I was "remarkably unintelligent". I'd like to point out that this is the guy who makes a furry bounty hunter named Fluffy in a science fiction RP with such a dark, mature, unique theme that it could easily rival the storylines of several current science fiction video games. I'd like to point out that he doesn't even know who I am. I do not speak to him, hardly ever. I simply coexist with him, and he rarely sees me. How can he even judge me, if he doesn't even have the sufficient information? This is the guy who has a pink and purple link captioned "Star Dates" with hearts around it in his sig. Yet, he somehow thinks he has any sort of gain over me.
No. I laugh and laugh. He says that I don't bother him, yet when the two of us actually do talk to each other, he seems pretty on edge. He seems angry when he talks about me in the Sporum, and that contradicts all the bs he spews out. Meanwhile I'm begging those of my troll friends who haven't been banned to bait him.
Meh, he'll learn from his mistakes eventually. The same goes for Kzhu. They're still technically in their noob phase. They'll grow out of it, just as I did. Maybe then they'll understand what trolling really is.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Whatever I said I was going to talk about in my next entry will be pushed over to the next one. I found a new topic, related to the last entry.
So I was browsing Sporum Wiki a few days ago. Looked to see if anyone (meaning TW) had edited anything. Lol, that page is filled with butthurt. You can almost feel it. I found that little Frosty edited some stuff.
She replaced all of the 'she' pronouns with 'they' since she claims to be agender. Let me just say now, that there is a lot of evidence that she is not agender. She's one of those idiots from tumblr that have the need to say "oh look, I'm a trans-quad-sexual morphgender asexual, I'm so different and special!"
You're not special Frosty. We know you're not agender. We know that that is just a beg for attention, and it's quite insensitive. Until I actually see photos of her, I will continue to call her female.
I forgot to mention in my last blog, I also have Frosty's IP address. I managed to be online at the same time as her. So now I know her IP, which I can use to my advantage. I've given the number to a friend of mine, who now goes by a different name than he used to. He is... skilled. That's all that I'll say.
Speaking of tumblr though, I've decided I'll be making an account there soon, simply to troll people. It'll be a good place to practice. See you all there.
So I was browsing Sporum Wiki a few days ago. Looked to see if anyone (meaning TW) had edited anything. Lol, that page is filled with butthurt. You can almost feel it. I found that little Frosty edited some stuff.
She replaced all of the 'she' pronouns with 'they' since she claims to be agender. Let me just say now, that there is a lot of evidence that she is not agender. She's one of those idiots from tumblr that have the need to say "oh look, I'm a trans-quad-sexual morphgender asexual, I'm so different and special!"
You're not special Frosty. We know you're not agender. We know that that is just a beg for attention, and it's quite insensitive. Until I actually see photos of her, I will continue to call her female.
I forgot to mention in my last blog, I also have Frosty's IP address. I managed to be online at the same time as her. So now I know her IP, which I can use to my advantage. I've given the number to a friend of mine, who now goes by a different name than he used to. He is... skilled. That's all that I'll say.
Speaking of tumblr though, I've decided I'll be making an account there soon, simply to troll people. It'll be a good place to practice. See you all there.
Monday, July 21, 2014
My deep love of Saltdfrost
How unfortunate. It seems that I have fallen in love with the fair Saltdfrost, to no avail.
It started when I realized she was female. She just really put herself out there, and I noticed. I thought that was something special. A female on the internet. What a rare and interesting occurrence. I was afraid Sharples would be angry with me, having fallen for one of his lovers, whom he made passionate, majestic love to. But as it turns out, Sharples had his hands full with another female, leaving Saltdfrost all for myself. He was perfectly fine with it, and in fact, encouraged me to take her. I began to express my love firstly on the ECF, when my hopes she might see there shot down by the fact that she didn't. And then Rainey told me she wouldn't see it, of course. Such wisdom, Rainey has. It's as almost as if she can see into the future. I know, because she was able to predict the size of Taupo's wang, which was astonishing.
So when this disappointment popped up, I searched for other ways to tell Frosty I love her. Then about two weeks later, it hit me. I could send it to her over comments on I did this, and she had the audacity to call me a creep in her response. She also said that she wasn't single, but I know she was lying to me. She was just playing hard to get, I suppose.
I decided to keep sending her messages, telling her about by troll army that I am currently assembling (and it is assembling quite well, I should mention) in the hopes to impress her. She said the Sporum was an insignificant part of my life. Perhaps she should notice that I have no life. I have no soul (according to KzhuRaptor). I am a soulless beast. The Sporum is very significant and if I wish to continue to "live", then I must take it over. It is the ideal prey for a troll. Perfect hunting grounds, and it will all soon be mine.
She wouldn't respond so I had a minion user named Inviso-Master post for me in the Open Thread and let him take over from there.
Anyways, I decided, perhaps she was off-put by use of the Spore Comments. I would reach her another way. So I went back to the Sporum and looked at her sig and her profile. I found her dA page. I added her to my watchlist some time ago, but the bitch had already blocked me. Which wasn't nice, because, that was before I was even doing this. I had no malicious intentions to do anything to her when I first added her. But then that changed.
I created an alt account and began adding all of her artwork and journals to my favorites (the equivalent of a Facebook "like" but for dA). I did all of this at about 3:05 AM. Just a few hours after I had finished, she blocked me again.
The little tramp. Was I not whore-ish enough for her? I have a certain aura of pimp around me, that is for sure. But did I not embolden it enough? Perhaps she's not interested in love. Perhaps all she wants is a moist, dense body. I now spit on the lowly creature that is Saltdfrost.
Frosty said that I posed little threat. She's obviously in denial. Obviously lying. For one, I have assembled (literally) the biggest group of trolls ever to strike the Sporum. I think at least. But for reference there's about 12 of us. If I really didn't pose a threat, why would Frosty have blocked me in the first place? Before I had even spammed her. Why would she do that? Out of pure spite perhaps? In that case, why would she act like she's laughing everywhere else. Me watching her shouldn't be a problem to her. I'll talk more about this in my next entry, though.
But just remember Frosty, I have your email AND your IP Address. Because you were foolish enough to stray onto sites that are under my influence.
It started when I realized she was female. She just really put herself out there, and I noticed. I thought that was something special. A female on the internet. What a rare and interesting occurrence. I was afraid Sharples would be angry with me, having fallen for one of his lovers, whom he made passionate, majestic love to. But as it turns out, Sharples had his hands full with another female, leaving Saltdfrost all for myself. He was perfectly fine with it, and in fact, encouraged me to take her. I began to express my love firstly on the ECF, when my hopes she might see there shot down by the fact that she didn't. And then Rainey told me she wouldn't see it, of course. Such wisdom, Rainey has. It's as almost as if she can see into the future. I know, because she was able to predict the size of Taupo's wang, which was astonishing.
So when this disappointment popped up, I searched for other ways to tell Frosty I love her. Then about two weeks later, it hit me. I could send it to her over comments on I did this, and she had the audacity to call me a creep in her response. She also said that she wasn't single, but I know she was lying to me. She was just playing hard to get, I suppose.
I decided to keep sending her messages, telling her about by troll army that I am currently assembling (and it is assembling quite well, I should mention) in the hopes to impress her. She said the Sporum was an insignificant part of my life. Perhaps she should notice that I have no life. I have no soul (according to KzhuRaptor). I am a soulless beast. The Sporum is very significant and if I wish to continue to "live", then I must take it over. It is the ideal prey for a troll. Perfect hunting grounds, and it will all soon be mine.
She wouldn't respond so I had a minion user named Inviso-Master post for me in the Open Thread and let him take over from there.
Anyways, I decided, perhaps she was off-put by use of the Spore Comments. I would reach her another way. So I went back to the Sporum and looked at her sig and her profile. I found her dA page. I added her to my watchlist some time ago, but the bitch had already blocked me. Which wasn't nice, because, that was before I was even doing this. I had no malicious intentions to do anything to her when I first added her. But then that changed.
I created an alt account and began adding all of her artwork and journals to my favorites (the equivalent of a Facebook "like" but for dA). I did all of this at about 3:05 AM. Just a few hours after I had finished, she blocked me again.
The little tramp. Was I not whore-ish enough for her? I have a certain aura of pimp around me, that is for sure. But did I not embolden it enough? Perhaps she's not interested in love. Perhaps all she wants is a moist, dense body. I now spit on the lowly creature that is Saltdfrost.
Frosty said that I posed little threat. She's obviously in denial. Obviously lying. For one, I have assembled (literally) the biggest group of trolls ever to strike the Sporum. I think at least. But for reference there's about 12 of us. If I really didn't pose a threat, why would Frosty have blocked me in the first place? Before I had even spammed her. Why would she do that? Out of pure spite perhaps? In that case, why would she act like she's laughing everywhere else. Me watching her shouldn't be a problem to her. I'll talk more about this in my next entry, though.
But just remember Frosty, I have your email AND your IP Address. Because you were foolish enough to stray onto sites that are under my influence.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
June 13th Message
Dear Sporum, I have been watching your countless attempts to decipher my motives. Not one of you are correct. Not one of you will know the secret, and I laugh as I watch you try. Even you, KzhuRaptor. As you so desperately try to tell the world about me, even through the use of your fake private message.
7ruth be 7old, it is nothing you speak of. YOU ARE WRONG. None of you were clever enough to decipher my first threat video. Nobody even considered things like the messages, or even the audio. That is what puts the Sporum in its grave. When you all lack the creativity and intelligence needed to decipher every code. You are all so careless. I've posted about four more videos lately that remain in the shadows. It is a wonder whether you'll find these things out or not.
In the meantime, I will be watching and observing every post, just like I have been. I have been patiently awaiting the clock to crack. Once it does, I will have your pathetic message board at the tips of my fingers.
Good luck Sporum.
And remember to CYPHER!
7ruth be 7old, it is nothing you speak of. YOU ARE WRONG. None of you were clever enough to decipher my first threat video. Nobody even considered things like the messages, or even the audio. That is what puts the Sporum in its grave. When you all lack the creativity and intelligence needed to decipher every code. You are all so careless. I've posted about four more videos lately that remain in the shadows. It is a wonder whether you'll find these things out or not.
In the meantime, I will be watching and observing every post, just like I have been. I have been patiently awaiting the clock to crack. Once it does, I will have your pathetic message board at the tips of my fingers.
Good luck Sporum.
And remember to CYPHER!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Hello, I am Darkel (DarkLord979). I have roused the desire to create a blog about my protestant ways against the Sporum, land of the heathen. Within these blog entries, you will find my protests, advertisements, threats, and taunts against the Sporum. JOIN ME!
Thank you. And remember, I'm always watching.
Thank you. And remember, I'm always watching.
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